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Executive Courses help develop key leadership skills - Monyepao

09 December 2023

Matabogela Monyepao is a Project Manager in the Internal Audit domain at Johannesburg Water entity under City of Johannesburg Municipality. He has more than 18 years of Auditing and Risk Management experience which also include SAICA articles with Auditor General of South Africa. He also has private sector experience. He completed the Municipal Finance Management course in 2023 at the Wits School of governance.

Monyepao is from Ga-Dikgale Marobala in Polokwane, Limpopo and says he is happily married and blessed with a son and a daughter.

In an interview with Kemantha Govender, the School’s Communications Manager, Monyepao shared his views on the importance of deepening our knowledge in the workplace.

KG: Tell us about your work

My primary objective revolves around furnishing management with sound assurance regarding the sufficiency and efficacy of internal controls. I take it upon myself to identify potential areas for enhancement and apprise management of these possibilities, advocating for the implementation of necessary corrective measures to enhance operational processes.

KG: What drives you?

Compliance holds great significance for me, and as such, my driving force lies in guaranteeing unwavering adherence to the core principles of the Code of Ethics: Respect, Competence, Responsibility, and Integrity. I firmly believe that individuals ought to uphold the right course of action, even in the absence of observers.

KG: What are your biggest successes and what are some of the most valuable lessons you have learnt in life that makes you better at your job?

One of my greatest achievements occurred in 2004, when I successfully earned my Bachelor of Accounting Degree. This accomplishment not only filled me with immense pride but also brought the knowledge that I could uplift my family from poverty.

In my professional journey, I have learned that patience, respect, valuing others, and a genuine passion for one's work are pivotal elements that contribute to my effectiveness in the role. These principles have consistently guided me to excel in my job.

KG: Tell me about your educational journey 

I hold a Bachelor of Accounting Degree, Postgraduate Diploma in Compliance, Certificate if Forensic and Investigative Auditing and currently doing MBA.

I am no stranger to the Wits School of Governance. In 2018/19, I successfully completed the Leadership and Management Course. I also successfully completed the Management Finance Management course which holds significant value for me, being an employee of a Municipality. It offers a comprehensive perspective and insight into the legislative and regulatory framework that governs public sector management and administration. This enables me to proficiently interpret South African legislation and policies, particularly those that directly impact municipal operations.

KG: How do you view leadership and do you see yourself as one?

I embody the role of a leader who leads by example. I showcase the behaviors and values I expect from others, which serves to inspire them to emulate. I empower those around me by entrusting them with tasks, assigning responsibilities, and instilling trust in their decision-making abilities. This approach nurtures a sense of ownership and motivation.

As a skilled communicator, I excel at clearly articulating objectives, setting expectations, and delivering constructive feedback. This aids in fostering a unified direction and shared understanding within the team. Addressing challenges and devising solutions collaboratively is my strength as a problem solver. I actively involve team members in this process, thus enhancing creativity and cooperation. My ability to motivate and inspire is a cornerstone of my leadership. I share a compelling vision and uplift others by acknowledging their contributions, boosting their morale, and cultivating a positive atmosphere.

I am adaptive, readily embracing change and adeptly adjusting strategies in response to new information or evolving circumstances. In the realm of decision-making, I shine. I make well-informed and timely choices, taking into consideration input from others when needed. Navigating conflicts and resolving disagreements within the team is a skill I excel at. I promote healthy communication and strive for solutions that satisfy all parties involved.

KG: Do you have plans to study further?

My commitment to continuous learning is unwavering. I exemplify growth and improvement, setting a precedent for others to embrace their own journey of learning and development. I would like to enroll for programmes that focus on senior management and leadership at WSG in the future,


Municipal Finance Management
City of Johannesburg
Public sector